American writer James Oliver Rigney Jr., or more popularly known by his pen name Robert Jordan, is the author of the well-known fantasy novel series Wheel of Time. Rigney brings the reader to an imaginary...
Kiera Cass is the author of the popular young adult novel series The Selection. She was inspired by the story of Cinderella and Queen Esther (from the Bible). In a world where families are put...
Jeannette Walls writes about her upbringing through The Glass Castle. She talks of her childhood, her alcoholic father, her submissive mother, and their various moves. This moving novel was on the New York Times Best...
Zombies are certainly becoming the rage in popular culture, as evidenced in film and television. Some of these are based on novels and there are others that have the potential to be made into film...
Despite the popularity of video games, reading is still a popular hobby in this day and age. Though some have migrated to digital copies, books still sell and publishers are still in the game. While...
Reading feeds the soul. Nothing beats lying around with a good book. And there are so many genres out there to choose from. But if young adult fiction is your preferred genre, The Cars by Gary Paulsen is a good read....